Sunday, December 14, 2008


Clearly I’m a bit behind as indicated by the title of this blog. The last few weeks of November were crazy busy and there was a lot going on. We had Thanksgiving at the Shero’s house. Laura had the place decorated very nicely. We all brought a couple of dishes and a dessert, so we had quite a big feast. We ate most of the typical Thanksgiving foods—sweet potato casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls, green bean casserole, carrots… and had many pies and cookies. We did have chicken instead of turkey, though, but it was good. Before we ate the Thanksgiving Day Parade from last year was playing on the T.V. After we ate, some people put together a huge puzzle while others watched an old football game. Later we watched a movie. The whole time kids were running all over the place playing all kinds of games. I think I saw 3 or 4 Spidermen at one point. We had a few visitors, including Julie’s parents, the Longs from Kampala, and two girls from the States who have been finishing up a study abroad program in Mbale. Mostly we spent the day eating, relaxing, and just hanging out with each other; it was a very enjoyable day.